Dallas Movie Screening

Dallas Movie Screenings started out as a mailing list on Yahoo Groups to facilitate finding free screening passes in the DFW area. When Yahoo Groups shut down, we are now posting screenings on our Facebook page at http://www..facebook.com/groups/dallasmoviescreenings
Earlier Reesa's Reviews can also be found at:http://www.moviegeekfeed.com

Logo art by Steve Cruz http://www.mfagallery.com

Website and Group Contact: dalscreenings@gmail.com

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Before I Fall

Director: Ry Russo-Young
Writer: Maria Maggenti (screenplay)
Cast: Zoey Deutch
Halston Sage
Medalion Rahimi
Cynthy Wu
Elena Kampouris
Logan Miller
Jennifer Beals
Nicholas Lea
Kian Lawley
Liv Hewson
Erica Tremblay

Have you had one of those deja vu days? What if you had relive that day you died until you got it right? That's the premise of the movie "Before I Fall" was adapted from a book of the same name by Lauren Oliver. It was directed by Ry Russo-Young this is her 4th film, which with the choice of young adult literature for this independent film director was a different direction for her. Set in a picturesque backdrop of a affluent mountain town this nightmarish teen "Groundhog Day" like movie will hit home for anyone that was a outcast in high school.

Zoey Deutch stars as Samantha Kingston, Zoey gives her character depth and dimension playing a by proxy mean girl that learns her actions have deadly consequences in this coming-of-age thriller. She emotionally goes through a 7 stages of grief of losing her life but the universe was generous to let her correct the wrongs that needed to be made right. The casting was really spot on with the lovely Jennifer Beals playing Samantha's mother and Halston Sage as Lindsay the head of Samantha's group of friends. Overall the one that really stood out to me was Elena Kampouris playing Juliet Sykes the girl that was bullied by Samantha and her friends. Elena truly encompasses the pain and anguish of being black balled in school.

It had a errie feel because you don't know what's going on. Is it a dream? Is she in limbo? Or just a second chance? You just have to keep watching to find out. The tone of the movie is a bit depressing but I think that is done intentionally even I shedded some tears watching. The entire movie is filmed through a blue lens and gave it a cold feel like death has already a grip on our protagonist's life from the start. The soundtrack is wonderful with tracks that I even have on my playlist like Grimes and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, that kept it fresh and gave a fantasy feel to the characters lives.

I actually enjoyed this film, it had a deep meaning to it especially for me. I know it's a teen film and it's very high school drama, but there is a moral to this story. What you do effects everything around you, like a domino effect. I think we need more movies (and books) like this that teaches everyone in this world today that your actions matter, just like Ally said "everything is connected". I say it's definitely worth the ticket and new book to read.
(Review by Samantha Leggio)

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